Noel Chidwick

Fibonacci Poem for the James Webb Space Telescope / Space Race by Jeda Pearl
Whit is this race, tae colonise every inch o place?
Tae conteena tae mak a case, that tae diskiver a new race
or species, that wis thair aw alang, mindin thair ain
isnae a disgraceful mindset

Ecstatic / Who Goes There? by Jane McKie
Dust hazes sun, like an eclipse. The dancers come, hips angular, double copper castanet click, singing the beasts from the shadows.

Captain Kirk visits Edinburgh in August by Rachel Plummer
He beams himself up
town to where it’s busiest.
The people of this planet like to congregate
in places of religious significance
such as bus stops, overpriced kebab shops,
or around a man dressed like Yoda.