
About SF Caledonia

A Shoreline of Infinity Project

SF Caledonia is a free online magazine and resource of short stories written by Scottish SF writers.

The aim is to be a space for Scotland to show off its talented community of science fiction/ speculative fiction/fantasy writers to the world – and beyond.

SF Caledonia publishes short stories by Scottish writers. In the initial phase we will be publishing stories previously published, and we will be open for writers to submit stories as well as approaching writers for contributions. We will be publishing online on a regular schedule, and initially we will set up home on the Shoreline of Infinity website (www.shorelineofInfinity.com). Alongside the story we will publish a short biography of the writer, along with links for more information about the writer and their publications.

To begin the project we will be reprinting stories by Scottish writers originally published over the last 8 years in Shoreline of Infinity Science Fiction Magazine. In time, we hope to establish an entertaining showcase of Scottish SF writings and a live database of Scottish SF writers, past and present. Once a year we will gather a selection of stories published online and release a print anthology.


SF Caledonia was officially announced at Cymera Festival, Edinburgh, on 3rd June 2023. Shoreline of Infinity 35, published in June 2023, was an SF Caledonia Special, featuring stories released on SF Caledonia.

Further Information

Who is leading SF Caledonia?

The Editor is Noel Chidwick, co-founder and Editor Emeritus of Shoreline of Infinity. He can be contacted at noel@shorelineofinfinity.com Crumbs, he needs something to do to keep him occupied now.

SF Caledonia Origin Story


From the start, we were keen to ensure that Shoreline of Infinity published Scottish writers. Over the years we were consistently impressed by the quality of the stories we were sent. We also noticed an increase in submissions by new writers. We also run an occasional series in Shoreline called – SF Caledonia. In this series, started by the journalist and writer Paul Cockburn, we explored Scottish SF writers of the past. Paul started the series off with John Buchan. The series continued under the editorship of Monica Burns, who uncovered a whole raft of Scottish SF writers – some are lesser known, and others a surprise. Latterly, we also covered contemporary SF writers, including Ken MacLeod and recently L R Lam.

This incarnation of SF Caledonia is an extension of that, and SF Caledonia will run alongside Shoreline of Infinity Science Fiction Magazine. We feel it’s time that Scottish SF had a place to call home, and be open to visitors from everywhere who are interested in Scottish SF. And to be clear, we are looking for Scottish writers, no matter where they are based.

Who is a Scottish Writer?

We are using the same criteria as we chose for the Cymera/ Shoreline of Infinity short story competition, namely, if you match any one – or more – of:

  1. You were born in Scotland
  2. You currently live in Scotland
  3. One or both or your parents were born in Scotland
  4. One or more of your grandparents were born in Scotland
  5. You were resident in Scotland for at least six months

You are Scottish.

Which Genres?

We are looking for Scottish writers/poets of:

  • Science fiction
  • Fantasy
  • Speculative fiction

Or similar

What can I submit

We’re looking for stories that have already been published somewhere in the world. Not self-published, or on your own website.We would love to see contributions in any of the Scottish languages and dialects. Accepted authors will also be asked to provide a short biography, public contacts details (web, social media) and links to where readers can buy their books. This will be posted alongside the story, and be searchable through the website. Initially we will be hosted on the Shoreline of Infinity website, with a monthly visitor count of  around 4,000.

Can I recommend a writer for SF Caledonia?

Of course! There’s a form for you: Recommend a Writer.


In the opening phase we will pay a reprint fee (to be determined) for each story, and we are looking for one story per author. If we can attract funding or donations to support the project we will increase the fee.The story will be published on the SF Caledonia website and be freely available to read online. The writer, or SF Caledonia, reserve the right to remove the story at any time, and it should go without saying that the copyright stays with the author. We will publish an annual collection of stories published online, and a further fee will be paid to the authors of the chosen stories.

Funding and Support

This is self-funded from the off. We will be asking for donations to support the project, and the funding will be used to increase the number of stories published, cover the costs of technology and website maintenance, and also increase the fees paid for content. We will also be submitting funding applications as appropriate.We may look at models such as subscription or membership.


SF Caledonia is purely volunteer driven. If you are interested in helping in any capacity, contact the Editor, Noel Chidwick at noel@shorelineofInfinity.com. Support from students and recent graduates welcomed.

Ideas and Suggestions

SF Caledonia is a new model, and we are looking for ideas and suggestions on how to develop it. Do get in touch with your thoughts (especially if you are in a position to help develop your suggestion!).

Let us know via our Contact Form.